Insight 14 September 2022

Why you might need a mobile security team

在留住员工方面,企业需要保持领先地位, property and assets safe, especially from theft, damage, vandalism or other criminal activities. Robust protection must be balanced against budgetary reality, 而移动安全巡逻澳博官方网站可以为您的安全需求提供全面且经济高效的解决方案. 在本文中,我们将探讨它们是如何工作的,以及哪些澳博官方网站适合您的组织.


What is a mobile security team?

移动安全团队是一群训练有素的专业人员,他们帮助保护许多站点, but who are not permanently stationed on the premises. 它们在不同地点之间穿梭,起到非常明显的威慑作用, through scheduled and random patrols, but they also check for any signs of damage, vandalism or break-ins.

If an issue arises, a mobile security team can respond immediately, 或向更广泛的团队或紧急澳博官方网站部门寻求进一步援助. 这意味着问题可以被有效地处理. As well as securing a property, they can also oversee any valuable items, equipment or vehicles, that are also on site.

Where are mobile security patrols needed?

There are many circumstances in which a mobile patrol security team can be of help to a business. In particular, 如果犯罪分子意识到这些建筑在夜间空置且没有安全保障,那么那些24小时不使用或不占用的建筑就很容易受到攻击.



Vacant properties

When it is obvious that a property is empty, it can quickly become a target for vandalism, a temporary base for criminals, or in the case of some properties, a home for squatters.

移动安全巡逻队可以监视空置的建筑和, by attending regularly, they can give the impression, in the local area, that the building isn’t as empty as it might seem.

At Mitie, we have a dedicated void property inspection team, 这可以帮助您确保您的组织符合其建筑保险要求. 我们还对网站进行全面的风险评估,以创建定制的安全解决方案,确保您的空置物业安全.

Buildings containing high-value items



Areas with high crime

As some parts of the UK have higher crime rates than others, 企业必须采取不同的措施来保护他们的货物和场所. Not only can mobile patrol security services watch over your property, 在脆弱的地区,它们也可以作为一个强大的视觉威慑,告诉任何打算闯入的人,财产是受保护的.

To deter repeat offenders

If a building is broken into, 因为犯罪分子知道房子里面有什么,也知道房子的布局,所以再次成为目标的风险更高. 流动保安小组可以证明你已采取措施加强对建筑物的保护, deterring repeat offenders and giving you peace of mind.

Is a mobile security team a good option for your business?

流动巡逻保安澳博官方网站适用于各种不同的机构, they aren’t necessarily the best option for every business.

Mobile security teams represent a significant investment, 只有当你有重要的资产需要保护或面临犯罪活动的特别风险时,才有可能是合理的. 如果这不适用于您的业务,您可能想要探索更具成本效益的选择,如 CCTV and alarm systems.

Monitoring over 10,000 CCTV and alarm connections, Mitie’s innovative, technology based approach, and end-to-end managed services, 帮助我们在任何环境下为客户提供全面的安全视图.

Why choose mobile security with Mitie

作为英国最大的以情报和技术为主导的安全企业, Mitie提供一系列移动巡逻安全澳博官方网站,以最适合您的需求.

我们的移动安全澳博官方网站范围包括我们认可的密钥持有澳博官方网站,以确保快速响应事件, professional and fully screened security officers on patrol, inspection and security of vacant properties, and alarm response. We also use Detect, our leading wireless security system. 它通过生成实时事件图像和针对出现的任何问题采取适当的行动,帮助减少不必要和昂贵的假警报呼叫.


Interested? Enquire today!

Whatever the size of your premises, wherever you are in the UK, and whatever you have inside your premises, Mitie’s mobile security services are standing by to help. Get in touch 今天与我们友好的团队讨论您的具体要求.

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